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Northern Jaguar Project
City: Tucson, Az,
Phone: 520-867-8380
About Us
Renowned for their power, strength, beauty, and grace, jaguars are vanishing throughout the Americas. Nowhere is this more apparent than the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

We formed the Northern Jaguar Project to safeguard jaguars in this region from poaching and habitat destruction. At the heart of our work is the 86-square-mile Northern Jaguar Reserve, a remote, rugged, and exceedingly wild landscape where a small breeding population of these wild cats survives.

Over the past 15 years, we have photographed more than 70 different jaguars, including females and their cubs. The reserve provides a place of refuge from which these mother jaguars can raise their young free from harm, and the accompanying biodiversity can thrive.

Beyond the reserve, we work with ranchers, schools, and rural communities to build tolerance and reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

We invite you to learn more about our work and support the reserve’s guardianship, expansion, and outreach among those living in jaguar country.
Wild Foraged Chiltepin